the most important benefit of all is attaining balance within your
body which is required in order for the body to function in the most
efficient way possible. Balance is measured with the pH scale which
indicates how much acid and how much alkaline is present in the body.
A pH of 7.3 or 7.4 is considered to be ideal because it indicates
that the body is slightly alkaline.
are some of the benefits of having a body that is well balanced with
regard to acid and alkaline levels:
- Increased energy - When your body is well balanced, you will more likely have increased energy to be able to perform many of life’s daily activities more effectively and efficiently.
- Reduced sickness – Having abnormally high acid levels in the body can increase the risk of common sicknesses such as fevers or colds, and maintaining the proper pH balance can help reduce that risk and help keep the body healthy.
- Weight loss – The proper pH balance can help make weight loss more achievable. Those with high acid levels in the body are more susceptible to excess weight gain and obesity.
- Reduced tiredness and increased alertness - When the body is at peak pH levels, the likelihood of being overtired and less alert is reduced.
- Reduced stress – Stress can often times increase the amount of acidity that is present in the body, and highly acidic pH balances can increase stress on the body. So you can see how it is better to try and avoid stress all together.
- Increased physical strength - A well balanced body is one that is capable of becoming stronger and stronger not only from a physical standpoint, but a mental standpoint as well.
an acid alkaline diet is one thing. Actually following through with
it and sticking to it is another. In order for a diet to be
successful you must have the drive and determination to stick with it
in order to achieve the balance that you are trying to achieve.
diet should consist of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables,
nuts, and other natural food items that are good for you. Not only do
you want to incorporate healthy foods into your diet, but you also
want to eliminate unhealthy foods as well. Those that are high in
saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and other unhealthy substances
should be avoided all together.
are other things that you can also do to help promote a healthier,
well balanced life style. One thing you can do is quit smoking if
this is a habit that you currently have. Smoking can lead to an
increase of acidity in the body along with all of the other problems
that it can cause your body.