you constantly feeling tired or rundown, or simply lack the energy
that you need to perform daily functions the way any normal human
being should? If you find yourself getting sick more often or have a
general lack of physical well being, then your body might be more
acidic than it should be.
body is generally supposed to be more alkaline that acidic, meaning
that is contains higher levels of alkaline fluid than acidic fluid.
The pH scale is what is used to measure the amounts of both in your
body. Under normal and more healthy circumstances the body should be
at a pH level of about 7.3 or 7.4, which indicates that it is tipped
more toward the alkaline side. This is where you want your pH level
to be if you want to feel healthier and happier.
The acid
alkaline weight loss diet can
help get your pH level to where it should be in order to help your
body become more energized and resistant to sickness and disease. The
alkaline diet can also promote weight loss because of the improved
quality of the foods that are consumed and the increase in physical
are some acid alkaline tips that you can keep in mind to help make
your dieting efforts worth while:
Take It One Day At A Time
the transition from eating unhealthy foods on a somewhat consistent
basis to eating foods that are almost entirely alkaline can be
somewhat of a shock. If you want the acid alkaline diet to work and
become effective, then you should consider taking it slow at first by
making small transitions over an longer period of time. Making a
complete switch instantaneously might be overwhelming and could end
up causing you to go back to bad habits.
Avoid Stress
can increase the amount of acidity that is present in our bodies so
it is important that you make every attempt to eliminate any sources
of stress in your life if you want to increase the success rate of
your acid
alkaline diet.
Completely eliminating stress may not always be an option, so finding
ways to deal with stress is a suitable alternative that can help
reduce the amount of acidity that is created in our bodies.
Eat Healthier Foods

foods that are more alkaline that acid is a critical step that must
be carried out if you want the acid alkaline diet to work for you.
When it comes to how much alkaline and acid foods and drinks should
be consumed, the general rule of thumb is that you should maintain an
80/20 mix. 80 percent of the foods that you consume should be
alkaline, and 20 percent of the foods that you consume should be
these acid
alkaline diet tips in
mind can help increase the likelihood for having a successful dieting