an optimal world the body is slightly alkaline, which means that it
is operating at it’s most efficient state when there is more
alkaline present than acid. Generally the pH level in the body should
be around 7.3, which indicates a slightly higher alkaline level that
acid level. This is normal. Anything below 7 indicates that the body
is more acidic.
So what causes the body to be more acidic?
are a number of different factors that can cause a body to become
more acidic including consuming unhealthy foods, excessive alcohol
consumption, smoking, stress, and many others that in most cases
humans have control over. Eating unhealthy foods is a large
contributor to the level of acid that is found in the body which is
why it is important that a well balanced diet be maintained that
contains at least 80 percent alkaline foods.
are a number of negative side affects from being too acidic. Here are
some of the more noticeable side affects that one might experience in
this type of condition:
- Overtiredness
- Reduced energy
- Increased stress
- Obesity
- Early aging
are a number of different foods that can be consumed to improve the
levels of alkaline in the body. A good alkaline diet is one that will
contain more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and other all
natural food items. A good alkaline diet is also one that minimizes
unhealthy foods that are high in saturated fats, cholesterol, sodium,
and other ingredients that are bad for you.
times the best method that you can use to set up your alkaline diet
plan is to list out those foods which are acceptable, and those foods
which are not acceptable. When you develop a plan and list the
specifics, then there is no question about whether or not something
can be consumed.

an acid alkaline diet plan review can help you identify what you are
doing well as well as identify the areas that you need to work on in
order to make sure your diet plan is helping you keep your body well
balanced and healthy.